I am a fun and creative woman who knows what she wants. I love this life and believe me, I know how to enjoy it. I believe that a woman does not need to set and achieve big goals - after all, this is the prerogative of a man, and a woman just needs to be happy and be able to enjoy what she has. And of course, I can decorate a man’s life, give new colors and emotions, like a real artist. It’s never boring with me. I am very hospitable, my house is always open to guests, although sometimes I like to be in silence and meditate. But at the same time, I am a responsible and loyal woman who loves cleanliness and protects family values. My motto for life is never give up! And this also applies to personal life. Therefore, I am here on the site.
Country: | Ukraine |
City: | Rivne |
Birthday: | 1981-02-17 |
Mark of the zodiac: | Aquarius |
Gender: | Female |
Type of relation: | for romantic |
Country: | Ukraine |
City: | Rivne |
Marital status: | Divorced |
Children: | 1 |
Height: | 5'4' (163cm) |
Weight: | 125 lbs (57kg) |
Hair color: | Blonde |
Eyes color: | Blue |
Ethnicity: | White |
Religion: | Christian |
Smoker: | Non-Smoker |
Drinker: | Never drink |
Education: | University student |
Job: | Artist |
Hobby: | I get great pleasure from painting with oil paints on canvas. Then I plunge into the world of fantasies and bright colors, which makes my life very very exciting. I also really love tourism. Especially if it is close contact with nature, a night in a tent |
Seeking for: | Male |
Seeking height | 4'2' (127cm) - 7'0' (213cm) |
Seeking weight | 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg) |