Hi, my name is Victoria. I am a very open and cheerful person, with me you can be in harmony with yourself and the world around you!
Country: | Ukraine |
City: | Nikolaev |
Birthday: | 1999-01-31 |
Mark of the zodiac: | Aquarius |
Gender: | Female |
Type of relation: | for marriage |
Country: | Ukraine |
City: | Nikolaev |
Marital status: | Single |
Children: | None |
Height: | 5'8' (173cm) |
Weight: | 145 lbs (66kg) |
Hair color: | Brunette |
Eyes color: | Green |
Ethnicity: | White |
Religion: | Christian |
Smoker: | Non-Smoker |
Drinker: | Never drink |
Education: | University student |
Job: | English translator |
Hobby: | I like sports and always prefer to actively spend time. Sometimes I like to dance and have fun, dancing takes a special place in my heart. I constantly listen to music, sometimes it very uplifts the mood. As a child, I really liked to paint, but now there |
Seeking for: | Male |
Seeking height | 4'2' (127cm) - 7'0' (213cm) |
Seeking weight | 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg) |