Anastasia, 23 age ID: 0000199221

I can’t speak for all the girls here, but I think I’m the simplest and most ordinary girl :)
I was lucky because from childhood I grew up in a family in which there was warmth and care, so I grew up faithful and honest. I always tell the truth, no matter how offensive she is. And I am always ready to take criticism in my favor.
With me you will never be bored :)
My dream is to see the whole world, from childhood I dream of traveling to most beautiful countries. I also love animals very much.

Country: Ukraine
City: Kharkiv
Birthday: 2001-10-26
Mark of the zodiac: Scorpio
Gender: Female
Type of relation: for marriage
Country: Ukraine
City: Kharkiv
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Height: 5'8' (173cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (50kg)
Hair color: Blonde
Eyes color: Blue
Ethnicity: White
Smoker: Non-Smoker
Drinker: Never drink
Education: University student
Seeking for: Male
Seeking height 4'2' (127cm) - 7'0' (213cm)
Seeking weight 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg)
Anastasia, Ukraine bride for marriage Anastasia, Ukraine bride for marriage Anastasia, Ukraine bride for marriage