I can share my energy, passion and love.
Country: | Ukraine |
City: | Nikolayev |
Birthday: | 1986-10-21 |
Mark of the zodiac: | Libra |
Gender: | Female |
Type of relation: | for romantic |
Country: | Ukraine |
City: | Nikolayev |
Marital status: | Divorced |
Children: | 1 |
Height: | 5'8' (173cm) |
Weight: | 120 lbs (54kg) |
Hair color: | Dark-blonde |
Eyes color: | Brown |
Seeking for: | Male |
Seeking height | 4'2' (127cm) - 7'0' (213cm) |
Seeking weight | 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg) |