Making a Gift to a Russian Woman Unforgettable - Our Tips on Gift-Making

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Pleasure of giving and making gifts is a unique part of Russian mentality and culture, so in case you want to give your cute Russian girl a pleasant gift, you will definitely find this article useful. Obviously, making your beloved happy is a cherished dream of a man in love, but gift selection is a true headache for many men. To save you from trouble and make the gift-making process more enjoyable for both of you, we have studied the culture of presenting gifts in Russia and have arranged some ideas for you to make your woman happy with a sweet present.

best advice on making pleasant presents to Ukrainian and Russian brides

Selecting a Gift for Your Beloved
Before your first meeting, or before the first date, you definitely think of gifts that may make Russian brides happy. So how can you ensure that a gift is appropriate and expresses your feelings? Our advice is: do not be afraid to be trivial! Women do love candies and flowers, which is never redundant. However, if you want to give your woman more attention and wish to say something special with a gift, make it special as well. We would not advise presenting lingerie or a ring on a first date, which may confuse your fianc�e, but as soon as you get closer and build true relations, these gifts will definitely be appreciated. Giving her a pet she has been dreaming of, or presenting tickets for a romantic vacation for the two of you - this will surely win any woman's heart!

Think not about WHAT, but also about HOW to present
Russian people enjoy giving and receiving gifts on many occasions, so in case you are invited to visit a Russian home, you should definitely bring some gift to make the hosts pleased. They also tend to give gifts on a person's arrival or departure on a trip, and gift-making is traditional for attendance of parties and meetings. The most suitable gifts include flowers and sweets for women, while Ukrainian women's family members may be pleased by receiving a book, a bottle of high-quality alcoholic beverage, or symbolic souvenirs from your home country.

Be Ready to Accept a Gift with Gratitude
As many travelers admit, it is hard to say what Russians like more - to give or receive gifts. Hence, despite the fact that you are a man and you consider it more natural to give your woman a gift, you should also not be surprised if she decides to please you with some little thing that counts. Hence, do not refuse from any gifts that your woman or her family may give you, even if it looks weird for you! They definitely mean to please you and express their hospitality towards you with a gift.

Taking care of these little things may present you as a gentle and culturally sensitive person, winning you a couple of extra scores with your woman and her family and relatives. Just keep in mind that Russians are generous people, so gift-making is a natural part of their communication culture. Open your heart to these sweet traditions, and you will derive much pleasure from these warm ceremonies of gift exchange!