What Russian women look for in men
ID: 0000176510
ID: 0000193831
ID: 0000201382
ID: 0000201008
Every normal person does not want a poor life in a rented apartment, to go on a budget vacation, save on the essentials etc. The Russian woman thinks of the future family and its life. It is okay. A potential husband must be hard-working and intelligent.
Smart Russian girl, as well as Ukrainian, always chooses a worthy man. Whoever does not understand this will remain eternally dissatisfied male. He will complain about life and women's venality. But we must change our thoughts. Life is one and none is going to drag out a miserable existence. Let us leave this role to losers.
If you read this line, you probably agree with that. Go ahead. There is another problem among those who understand it. What do ladies need from gentlemen in apart from a high level of income and other financial support?
A woman wants to see next qualities in her chosen one.
- Character
Holistic, strong character. She is going not only to kiss under the moonlight but also build a life. She needs real male character, able to deal with internal and external storms.
- Adulthood
Men's craving for games and childishness is not eradicated, but everything should be in moderation. Many men do not know how to grow up. It is time to be responsible for their actions, keep one's word, get rid of financial irresponsibility, gain self-control, curb cravings for negative habits. It is time to achieve goals and move forward. It is time to get out of the sandbox into the adult world.
- Emotions
Like any other lady, Russian women love emotions. Emotional, energetic relationships are better than slow and quiet ones. She needs regular communication, dating, love, moral support. A female is in search of a male who reacts to her plus also able to awaken similar emotions in her.
- Sense of humor
A sense of humor is good for the full pleasure of communication with your partner. The relationship partners spend a lot of time together, without some funny moments it will be boring. It will help to smooth out sharp points and be friends. Friendship is bonding "glue" for the amorous couple.
- Similar worldviews
Similar attitudes plus the lack of fundamental distinctions bring people together. At the beginning of dating these things do not seem to be very important, but in the long-term relationship there is another situation. Different objectives and plans will lead to separation. Future married couple has a similar worldview.
- Prospects
Everything has a price and capacity. Having goals in life, desire to achieve them is important in man's life. Throughout the ages women have followed active, promising men.
- Feelings
Russian girls dream about true love. Relationship without love is like tequila without lemon and salt. You both need only mutual and strong love.
- Defense
Each fragile lady needs a support. She does not need a man's neck, but his shoulder.
So the Russian girl does not need superhero. And she also knows that there are no ideal people. She just waits for a sincere and strong person near herself.