How to Tell a Russian Girl that You Love Her Online

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You are right in the heart of the Russian or Ukrainian girls dating process. You feel you have found that special girl who could become your wife and mother for your children. Most likely, you are in seventh heaven. However, have you already thought about how to tell your beloved woman about your feelings, especially if, for some reasons, you cannot meet her face-to-face right now? Thank God, you have numerous options to do that online! Otherwise, girls from Ukraine and Russia are absolutely exceptional and, therefore, you should know some secrets to succeed. So let us give you advice about how to say the cherished words to your beloved woman online.

Expert advice on telling girls from Ukraine and Russia about your feelings

Tip #1: Do it "in person"
Never tell a Russian girl that you love her via e-mail or social network websites. She needs to see your face and to hear your voice, so forget about online statuses and simple messages. Use Skype or any other video chat to make this important for both of you moment as real as it is only possible.

Tip #2: Say it in Russian/Ukrainian
Although Russian is the most common language in post-Soviet countries, don't forget that modern Russians and Ukrainians are different nations with different languages. So first of all, find out which language is native for your lady. Once you know this for sure, learn to say "I love you" in Russian ("ya tebya lyublyu") or Ukrainian ("ya tebe kokhayu") respectively. Moreover, be ready to repeat these words throughout life.

Tip #3: Choose the right moment
Before you say three magic words to your beloved woman, make sure she is in a good mood. Thus, it's not actually a wise idea if your lady is upset about something or just feels tired after a hard day's work. Wait the right moment to make a confession, create a romantic atmosphere (for instance, play a song she likes), and only then tell you girl about your feelings.

Tip #4: Don't expect the same words in return at once
The truth is that people may fall in love with each other at different times. It may be days, weeks, or even months, but if the attraction is strong, you will hear the cherished words in return. Furthermore, girls from Ukraine and Russia usually need time to get to know you better before giving vent to their feelings. So never oblige your woman to say she loves you too. Just be patient and give her time.

However, the Russian girl dating process is not always the same. In this way, these tips are not strict rules - they are just recommendations that can help you succeed. Everything will depend on your particular situation. Let's just add that you should be confident in your feelings as these magic words will change your life, as well as the life of your beloved woman. Good luck!