Top 3 reasons why Russian Women Look for Love Abroad

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Nowadays, with social networks and online dating sites being 24/7 to everyone's service, borders between countries and cultures become blurred. Scientists call this phenomenon globalization, and its greatest advantage is a chance to find happiness with a person who lives far away. If you asked yourself why Russian women look for love abroad or even had an experience of relationship with one of them, this article could be really helpful.

The myth is that both Russian and Ukrainian women search for better and, to put it straight, wealthier life abroad, not the beloved person. It is true that the overall quality of life in these countries is lower than in the USA or Europe. However, marriage agency statistics shows that most of the brides from Russia and Ukraine are totally independent, intelligent, and educated ladies who already built a career and achieved a high status in society. For this reason, the question emerges: why do Russian girls look for husbands abroad? There are three major answers to this, and you will be surprised by knowing them!

1.Demographic reason.
Age for marriage in post-Soviet countries usually does not exceed 30 years. Therefore, Russian and Ukrainian women who aimed to obtain decent education and to build a career before getting married find themselves out of this age limit and still single. Moreover, to put it in statistical language, the number of female population is greater than the number of males in those countries. Hence, as you can see, chances for such decent ladies to meet their beloved persons get closer to zero with each passing year.

2.Differences in mentality.
Russian men are not used to making compliments or sincerely admire their girls. They usually choose to be too shy or too tough, but not to put their true feelings into kind and warm words. This is really common despite the widespread saying that women love with their ears. Therefore, an intelligent and pretty lady is likely to choose someone who will not only secretly appreciate her but will also be able to say it aloud.

3.Russian men's habits.
On the one hand, a man walking with a bottle of beer in the broad daylight on a weekday is a common thing to see on a street of some Russian or Ukrainian town. On the other hand, a man who pays much attention to his appearance may become a subject of ridicule and mockery. These are vivid examples of mysterious Russian culture and its strange contradictions. However, ladies know the difference better. They choose neat, gentle, and polite men. They admire them even more because it is still a challenge to be a decent person under the pressure of mentality and social expectations.

All in all, girls do not look for another citizenship or a better life abroad. They ask marriage agencies for help because there are more chances to find really beloved persons, their soul mates. Russian and Ukrainian women strive to the dream aspired by everyone regardless of age, mentality, cultural differences, or gender: to find their love, respect, and happiness.