Traditional Russian Food - Get Acquainted with the Most Popular Dishes!
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Traditional Russian food is very diverse and has a huge number of dishes. One of the main reasons for such abundance is the geographic position of the country. The most of its territory are located in the North of the continent, and it is always cold. For this reason, people prefer hot, roasted, and high-calorie food. Another significant reason is that Russia was a part of the Soviet Union. Over many years, it counted 16 republics with a single centralized management system contributing to exchange of traditions and customs between people of different nationalities. For this reason, the Russian cuisine was enriched with dozens of new dishes. However, some of them deserve particular attention. Let's review some of the most famous dishes.
1) A vegetable soup (also known as a borsch). It is probably one of the most popular meals in Russia and Ukraine. Traditionally it is made with a beet and cabbage; other ingredients depend on the region, taste, and tradition of a cook, and may include potatoes, meat, herbs, paper, etc. The borsch is usually served with a sour cream, garlic, bread (usually the dark one), and bacon. Cooking the borsch requires particular skills and training. In order to find out Russian bride's skills, a husband may ask her to cook this meal for him and his family. In addition, an ukha, rassolnik, shchi, and solyanka can be named among other traditional Russian soups.
2) Russian pancakes (or Blini). This meal is very similar to the French crepe. Russian pancakes usually come with sweet or salty fillings. As for a sweet one, people apply sugar, jam, chocolate, honey, condensed milk, etc. Meanwhile, serving salty pancakes, cooks fill them with a smoked salmon, sour cream, mushrooms, meat, cheese, and other delicious ingredients. For ages, blini were the part of Russian customs and traditions. For this reason, they can be tasted in most restaurants in Russia and Ukraine, as well as in many Russian restaurants all around the world.
3) Russian salads. It is hard to highlight the most delicious one among the huge variety of salads. Most of them resulted from a narrow assortment of products in the Soviet Union, and the desire of ordinary people to diversify everyday food. Based on this habit, Russian women cook these salads only for special events like weddings, birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions. The most popular salads are vinegret (a mix of boiled beet, potatoes, carrots, chopped onions, pickled cucumbers, etc), dressed herring (a salted herring covered with layers of boiled and grated vegetables), the Olivier salad (a mix of diced potatoes, chicken, eggs, pickles, and sweet peas dressed with a mayonnaise), and some other modifications thereof.
As you may see, it is only a small list of traditional Russian food. The best way to taste and enjoy the whole variety of meals of this cuisine is to marry to Russian women; your young bride will do her best to diversify your diet with hundreds of amazing meals. Moreover, she will be able to bring comfort and peace to your home, which is even more important!