Where to Meet with Your Russian Bride First - Abroad or in Her Native Country?

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You have been communicating with your cute Russian girl for several months, and now you think you have got to know each other very well? So what's the next step? The answer is simple - you need to finally meet in person to understand if this relationship can eventually turn into love. However, meeting your beautiful lady for the first time can be a daunting task. There are so many things to consider, not to mention numerous differences in cultures and traditions and the language barrier as well. Just be ready that the Russian girl dating process requires much patience and efforts as getting to know a cute Russian girl over the internet is never the same as meeting her in real life! So it's high time to decide whether you should invite your lady to your country or plan your big trip to Russia or Ukraine?

In most cases, when it comes to the first meeting in person, foreign men come to visit their Russian brides to their native countries, and not vice versa. The fact is that Russian and Ukrainian women feel more comfortable in their homeland, especially taking into account that many of them have never traveled abroad before and have a poor knowledge of the English language. Moreover, if you have serious intentions, you most likely want to better know your cute Russian girl, her family, friends, life goals, etc. In this way, the visit to your lady's country is an excellent opportunity to understand your relationship and decide whether you really like each other or not.

Nevertheless, a serious man will also invite his Russian bride to visit him in his home country before making a proposal. Why is it important? Let's name just three reasons why you should do this:
- to see your lady's reaction to unfamiliar surroundings, new culture, new people, etc.;
- to have a chance to be together completely alone (while visiting your Russian woman in her native country, most likely you won't have such a chance) and see whether you can get along well under one roof;
- to determine if your cute Russian girl is truly ready for marriage and living abroad.

However, there is another option for your first meeting with your bride. You can always meet on neutral territory. It's better to choose East-European and Baltic countries like Czech Republic, Poland, or Latvia. In such a case, think about the interpreter who speaks both, Russian and English, beforehand, or you will have a problem with that.

In this way, the Russian girl dating process is not easy, so your feelings about the first meeting are justified. Let us give you advice! Book a ticket and visit your lady in her country first. Russian brides, as well as Ukrainian women, will gladly show you their native countries, traditions, places of interest, and more. If your first meeting is successful, you can invite your special lady to visit you in your own country, or you can always choose any other country for your next date. It's up to you!