Useful Tips for an Ideal First Date With Your Russian Lady Love

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So, you finally decided to board the plane to personally visit Russia. You have probably been in contact with one or more women and now, you are ready to take things to the next level and go on actual date that doesn't involve a webcam Skype and without any form of interaction. It is surely one big step and you will never want to get things wrong.

Now, assuming that you will be meeting only one Russian girl, it is recommended that you request for her to meet you at the airport. Unless you are fluent in speaking the native language of the country, chances are you will get tourist rates in all the things you do.

When your Russian lady love has met you at the airport, she will then be able to help you go to your hotel and settle in your room. You will find it very amazing how things will be easier for you when you have a native speaker to accompany you. It is also especially great if she can speak English fluently.

If you have already spent a good amount of time talking with your Russian girl, you must also be quite comfortable to have some small talk in the taxi or even in your room. By then, she already has her trust on you and you on her because why else will you travel thousands of miles just to meet her, right? But, you might have to remember that if you are dating a real Russian woman, chances are she will be a bit comfortable to be there with you inside the hotel room since everyone else will watch her and it doesn't give a very good impression for them.

After relaxing, you can finally go out to go on your official first date. Ideally, it is best that you go to a place where you can have a good talk. A quiet restaurant or a coffee shop might be great choices if you arrived later in the day.

This first date with a Russian woman is going to speak so much about her and yourself. Take note that in Russia or even in Ukraine, men are the one who pay for things. You have to grab the chance to learn more about the woman on your first date.

Once your first date is finished, assuming that you will only meet one Russian woman, it would also be good if you pay for a taxi to take her home. See to it that you arrange the time that you will meet her on the next day for your second date.

The next day, you might want to ask her to show you around the town or city where she lives in Russia or in Ukraine. She can be your guide and from there, you can look forward to the best dating experience with your Russian lady love.